Eliminating cervical cancer in Canada

Sharing progress on the Action Plan

Learn about Canada’s progress towards eliminating cervical cancer by 2040

Cervical cancer continues to impact the lives of thousands of people in Canada and hundreds of thousands around the world. Yet it is almost entirely preventable and highly curable when found and treated early I ii. The World Health Organization has set the goal to eliminate cervical cancer worldwide this century and Canada is committed to achieving this by 2040i iii. In Canada, plans are underway to implement the Action Plan for the Elimination of Cervical Cancer in Canada. 2020-2030 (Action Plan), which includes driving forward partnerships across Canada to improve equitable access to high quality prevention and care. This resource reports on progress towards the elimination of cervical cancer in Canada. Available data shows the current state and progress towards the Action Plan’s goal and targets. Case studies and stories of progress are included to demonstrate progress in reducing inequities and on actions identified by First Nations, Inuit and Metis.

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First Nations, Inuit and Metis partners identified three Peoples-specific priorities to address the specific inequities that First Nations, Inuit and Metis may experience as a result of historic and ongoing impacts of colonization. These priorities are informed by and layered onto the priorities related to improving HPV immunization rates, implementing HPV primary screening and improving

follow-up of HPV positive screening results. Several First Nations, Inuit and Metis partners are leading efforts to address these longstanding barriers and inequities and improve cervical cancer prevention .

Call to action

Centering the patient perspective

It is imperative to continue to draw on the insight of cervical cancer survivors, advocates, and individuals with lived experience. By hearing from those directly affected, gaps in prevention and care that might otherwise remain unheard can be identified. Hear from Natasha Lam, Patient & Family Advisor follow-up of HPV positive screening results. Several First Nations, Inuit and Metis partners are leading efforts to address these longstanding barriers and inequities and improve cervical cancer prevention .

Current state of cervical cancer in Canada

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Data doesn’t tell the whole story

In Canada, there is very limited data to describe how race and ethnicity affects risk for cervical cancer v. Data for specific populations, including Rrst Nations, Inuit and Metis, is limited to specific studies and linkage projects . By contrast, data on cervical cancer incidence and mortality by race and ethnicity is collected systematically in the United States; Hispanic, Indigenous and Black women have significantly higher rates of new cervical cancer cases than women of other races or ethnicities . Robust data on race, education, and geography, as well as other

Data doesn’t tell the whole story - Test Insert Image block

In Canada, there is very limited data to describe how race and ethnicity affects risk for cervical cancer v. Data for specific populations, including Rrst Nations, Inuit and Metis, is limited to specific studies and linkage projects . By contrast, data on cervical cancer incidence and mortality by race and ethnicity is collected systematically in the United States; Hispanic, Indigenous and Black women have significantly higher rates of new cervical cancer cases than women of other races or ethnicities . Robust data on race, education, and geography, as well as other

Canada has the tools to the eliminate cervical cancer

Canada has the tools and experience to eliminate this disease, but immediate and continued action is required.

  • The HPV vaccine is safe and effective fn preventing cervical cancer.
  • HPV tests are more effective than Pap tests;
  • HPV tests detect pre-cancer sooner than Pap tests.
  • HPV tests are more accurate than Pap tests and are therefore required less frequently, reducing the harms associated with overscreening
  • HPV tests can be self-collected, which can support more acceptable screening for more people in more locations
  • Existing guidelines and tools can be used to support the transition to HPV primary screening and the follow-up of a positive HPVtest
  • Data collection can be used to ensure timely and appropriate follow-up care for people with a positive H PV test.

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