We've found 26 items under your selection of "Type of cancer" . The most recent items are first.
Learn about Canada’s Action Plan for the elimination of cervical cancer and progress being made across the country.
Centralized resources to support HPV primary screening and follow-up
Learn about the coverage of and eligibility for publicly funded HPV vaccines in each province and territory.
This environmental scan summarizes the data collected from provincial and territorial screening programs and is intended to inform provincial/territorial decision-making for policy and practice
By understanding how other countries have implemented HPV primary screening, Canada can take action to eliminate cervical cancer
Learn about HPV immunization programs across Canada and policies to reduce cervical cancer cases
Highlights of cervical cancer screening programs’ activities and strategies
Learn how Canada is taking action to eliminate cervical cancer by 2040 through HPV immunization and screening, as well as improved follow-up
Learn how Canada is taking action to eliminate cervical cancer
Learn about Peoples-specific priorities and actions to address specific inequities experienced by First Nations, Inuit and Métis
In this 2019 video, Dr. Hoang, talks about the updated CAP protocols for cervix, vagina and vulva cancers
Learn about the potential benefits associated with delaying cervical cancer screening
Review this summary of cervical cancer screening programs’ key components and strategies across Canada in 2018
Use this document as a decision-making resource to ensure all Canadians who need gynecologic oncology will receive consistent, high-quality care
Review this summary from April 2017 of the key components for cervical cancer screening programs and strategies across Canada
Find information in this 2016 report about cervical screening coverage, follow-up, quality, pre-cancer and cancer detection and disease extent for the years 2011 to 2013
Read this report to learn about participation in both programmatic and non-programmatic screening across Canada for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer
Find information in this 2013 report for 12 performance indicators of cervical cancer screening programs for the years 2009 to 2011
This document from May 2013 promotes standardized content and terminology for reports about histopathology specimens from the cervix and vagina
Learn about best practices for correspondence with women and health-care providers about cervical cancer screening programs in this 2013 report
In this 2013 video, Dr. Chapman talks about CAP protocols for cancers of the cervix, vagina and vulva
Read this March 2012 document for a summary of the key HPV trials that have published results or are underway
Find information in this 2011 report for 12 performance indicators of cervical-cancer screening programs for the years 2006 to 2008
In this video, Carol O. talks having cervical cancer at age 31 and then being diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer 22 years later
This document gives highlights from presentations at the Pan-Canadian Cervical Screening Initiative’s Participation workshop in February 2010
Discover key findings from the 2008 pan-Canadian forum about using the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer
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