First Nation Data Linkage – Kenora Chiefs Advisory

First Nation Data Linkage – Kenora Chiefs Advisory aimed to address the health information gap associated with the lack of cancer-related data specific to First Nations. The objective was to present information on the quality and feasibility of a potential community cancer profile report using data from (i) a linkage between Kenora Chiefs Advisory First Nations Client Registry  and Cancer Care Ontario’s Ontario Cancer Registry  and InScreen (Cancer Care Ontario’s cancer screening data hub), and (ii) investigation of postal codes associated with Kenora Chiefs Advisory communities.

Location: Ontario

Timeline: 2016-2017

Funded partner: Kenora Chiefs Advisory

Partner: Cancer Care Ontario


  • To measure cancer burden, the Kenora Chiefs Advisory First Nations Client Registry was probabilistically linked to a subset of the Ontario Cancer Registry consisting of cancers diagnosed between 1991 and 2013, and preliminary cancers diagnosed in 2014.
  • A list of postal codes was submitted by Kenora Chiefs Advisory to explore the development of a cancer profile using postal code geography.
  • Community cancer screening data were analyzed using a deterministic linkage approach for the linkage of the Kenora Chiefs Advisory First Nations Client Registry to InScreen.


  • The Kenora Chiefs Advisory First Nations Client Registry was successfully linked with Cancer Care Ontario’s Ontario Cancer Registry and InScreen
  • Screening activity reports were developed from data linkage between the Kenora Chiefs Advisory First Nations Client Registry and InScreen
  • Key lessons from this initiative were identified to improve ongoing linking of the Kenora Chiefs Advisory First Nations Client Registry with Cancer Care Ontario’s Ontario Cancer Registry and InScreen