Priority 8: First Nations-, Inuit- and Métis-governed research and data systems

First Nations, Inuit and Métis-specific, self-determined data and research are key to understanding access, experience and outcomes in cancer care, and identifying community-led efforts and potential solutions for better outcomes.


  1. Collect First Nations-specific data and set First Nations-specific indicators and targets.
  2. Invest in First Nations research capacity.
  3. Implement First Nations governance of the collection and use of data and research.

View indicator development process
View ways of measuring the indicators

  1. Collect and report on Inuit-specific data.
  2. Determine impact of environmental contamination on Inuit health, specifically cancer risk.
  1. Collect Métis-specific data and develop Métis-determined indicators and outcomes.
  2. Invest in Métis research capacity.