What is the Strategy?

Discover more about the refreshed Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control

Since 2006, Canada’s cancer strategy has united partners across the cancer system in efforts to improve the cancer experience for all people in Canada. Refreshed in 2019, the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control  (the Strategy) sets out an ambitious 10-year action plan to improve equity in the cancer system and address the challenges and opportunities of the next decade— while ensuring a sustainable healthcare system for the future.

The refreshed Strategy was shaped by the voices of 7,500 Canadians, including healthcare leaders from across the country. First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities, governments and organizations across Canada were also engaged using a parallel process to identify Peoples-specific priorities and challenges.

The result is a forward-looking Strategy that identifies eight priorities with specific actions to strengthen cancer care for all people in Canada, families and caregivers affected by the disease. Partners across Canada are leading the change, united in reaching the Strategy’s four goals:

  • People in Canada have equitable access to quality cancer care
  • Fewer people develop cancer
  • More people survive cancer
  • People in Canada affected by cancer have a better quality of life

A focus on equity

Cancer care in Canada continues to improve, but not everyone is benefitting equally. Some systemically excluded communities and populations have been underserved by the cancer system, including First Nations, Inuit and Métis, recent immigrants, racialized communities and those who live in rural and remote areas.

With the Strategy as a guide, partners across Canada are working to improve access to care, experience and outcomes for all people in Canada, no matter who they are or where they live. Together, they will achieve the Strategy’s vision of an equitable cancer system for all people in Canada.

View progress

View your province or territory’s progress towards the eight priorities set out in the Strategy.

Downloadable content

Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control
Download the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control

Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control

Download the overview of the Strategy’s priorities and recommended actions.

View additional resources in the Download centre.