Developing a Pan-Canadian Vision for Cancer Research in Canada


This RFP is being issued by the Partnership, on behalf of the CCRA to:

  1. engage and dialogue in creative and innovative ways, with the breadth of the cancer research community about future directions and priorities for cancer research in Canada
  2. contribute to the pan-Canadian dialogue about the refresh of the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control
  3. develop a report outlining a Canadian Vision for Cancer Research
  4. provide a summative document outlining “lessons learned”, strengths and weaknesses of the approaches used and key considerations for future strategic planning

The Canadian Vision for Cancer Research (Vision) report, is intended to be a foundational document that will provide reference and guidance across the cancer system, for multiple stakeholders, and for multiple purposes (see Figure 1 on pdf).

The Vision will benefit Canadians by driving improvements in the cancer research community by identifying the gaps and priorities in cancer research that will initially be leveraged to inform the refresh of the CSCC and highlight the importance of cancer research in cancer control. The Vision will also be the foundation for the third pan-Canadian Cancer Research Strategy to be developed and implemented by the CCRA at a future date. Figure 2 (see pdf) describes the multiple inputs and outputs that will guide and result from this work. Through these activities the Vision will influence the nature and direction of cancer research in Canada, resulting in impactful outcomes that could lead to necessary policy changes to influence research infrastructure and funding for the ultimate benefit of Canadians with cancer.

This work will be conducted concurrently with the refresh of the CSCC that is being led by the Partnership. The Partnership is leading all activities related to the refresh the CSCC, except for the recommendations that will developed through this RFP for the role of cancer research in cancer control. Engagements conducted by the Partnership will gather feedback from the public, Indigenous communities, and other stakeholders on the role of research in cancer control, among other things. That information will become an input for the Deliverables described in this RFP and will be provided to the successful Proponent through the CCRA Executive Office and, where necessary, by others involved in the work of the CSCC refresh.

Proponents should reference this RFP number (RFP No. RP801-2018-02) in the subject line of their correspondence.

Other Information


Bid Details

RFP No. RP801-2018-02


Awarded to Shift Health

Issue date

July 31, 2018

Proposal Submission Deadline:

Friday August 17th, 2018 by 5:00pm ET (Toronto Local time)

Tuesday August 21st, 2018

Tuesday August 28th, 2018 no later than 3:00pm ET (Toronto Local Time)

September 13th, 14th 2018

Proponents Enquires e-mail: