Enhancing The Partnership’s Evidence Services Program

The Partnership’s Cancer Systems, Performance and Innovation (CSPI) Division drives improvements in Canada’s cancer system through data, research, economic modelling and innovations such as digital healthcare. This division monitors emerging health technologies and leverages data systems to determine gaps and opportunities for improvements in cancer care and informs internal partners on innovative approaches, international best practice and compelling evidence to support key partnership decision making.

The Research and Innovation team, part of the CSPI division, promotes cancer research across Canada as well as driving the adoption of innovative approaches. It supports this work through its role as the Executive Office of the Canadian Cancer Research Alliance (CCRA) and the Evidence Services program of work. A recent evaluation of the Evidence Services program found that the current program offerings are not adequately addressing the needs of the organization resulting in the development of an expanded program that addresses these gaps.


The objective of this work is to identify best practices for search strategies, processes, and tools to identify and stay abreast of new and emerging trends and evidence in cancer control. This work will provide the necessary evidence processes and strengthen the foundation for evidence informed decision making ensuring future success and sustainability of evidence use.

Project Scope

Research Methodology

  • Evaluate options and implement best practices for accessing peer-reviewed publications and develop a change management plan to communicate and guide the implementation of the updated processes across the organization
  • Identify best practices and approaches for horizon scanning for all types of evidence
  • Lead efforts to curate collection of best practices on using and creating all types of evidence

IT systems

  • Identify a solution and an approach for central access to internal and external knowledge products and relevant evidence
  • Ensure tracking and cataloging of upcoming and ongoing knowledge products

Process Management

  • Optimize processes for commissioning external vendors for evidence knowledge products including identifying appropriate vendors, implementing an evaluation process of deliverable and vendors, and tracking ongoing and upcoming deliverables
  • Provide options and support for internal and external dissemination of knowledge products
  • Establish a cancer control education plan to educate staff on programs and initiatives that are advancing the CSCC

Sustainability Planning

  • Support the Research and Innovation team in Evidence Services program planning, including the development and sustainability of the program plan and budget, long term plans, and determining the outcomes of the program

**Proponents should reference this RFP number (RFP No. RP801-2021-04) in the subject line of their correspondence.**


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Other Information

Bid Details

RFP No. RP801-2021-04


Awarded to Research Power Inc.

Issue date

June 3, 2021

Proposal Submission Deadline:

ISSUE DATE: Thursday, June 3, 2021
DEADLINE FOR PROPONENT ENQUIRIES: Tuesday, June 15, 2021 at 5 PM (Toronto Local Time)
PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 3 PM (Toronto Local Time)
INTERVIEW: Week of July 7

Proponents Enquires e-mail:
